Thursday, June 10, 2010

WC referees learn English swear words to keep check on 'temperamental' Rooney

Published>Thu, Jun 10 10 01:21 PM

London, Jun 10 (ANI): Temperamental striker Wayne Rooney will be under greater scrutiny in England's opening World Cup fixture on Saturday against the United States after it emerged that the Brazilian match officials have taken a crash course in English swearwords as part of a crackdown on abusive language.

England coach Fabio Capello had already warned Rooney over his temperament, as the striker was booked for using foul and abusive language during the final warm-up match against Platinum Stars on Monday.

Carlos Simon and his assistants Altemir Hausmann and Roberto Braatz have been learning up a list of 20 expletives so that they are prepared for anything Rooney and company hurl at them.

All officials have to be proficient in English in order to officiate at World Cups and are given verbal and written tests, The Sun reports.

Roberto Braatz, one of Simon's two assistant referees in South Africa, said: "We can't do this in 11 different languages, but at least we have to know the swearwords in English."

Altemir Hausmann, the other assistant referee, said: "We have to learn what kind of words the players say. All players swear and we know we will hear a few 'son of a . . .' "

Rooney's conduct has also been under scrutiny in first warm-up match - a tangle with Japanese defender Marcus Tanaka, which went unpunished in the match.(ANI)

Source: Web Search


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