Sunday, November 28, 2010

Indian athletes return after supershow in Guangzhou

Sun, Nov 28 10 10:22 PM

New Delhi, Nov 28 (PTI) Indian sports-persons, who put up a scintillating show at the just concluded Asian Games , returned here today with fans and supporters giving them a grand welcome. The first batch, including athletes, kabaddi players and basketball players, arrived by flight number CZ 359, which landed at 20:55 hrs at the IGI international airport. Hundred of fans gathered here to welcome the Indian contingent, which registered its best ever performance at the Games in Guangzhou by winning a record 64 medals, including 14 gold. The athletes were garlanded when they came out of Terminal 3 amidst deafening sound of drums. The fans also showered rose petals on the players when they made their way out of airport. Indian Olympic Association joint secretary Lalit Bhanot, who was also Secretary General of the CWG Organizing Committee, was among the officials who received the players. India''s athletes put on a terrific show in the track and field events, where they won titles in 400m hurdles (both men''s and women), 10000m run and 4X400m relay. Memorable wins were recorded by Indian tennis player Somdev Devvarman and shooter Ronjan Sodhi. Underfire IOA President Suresh Klamadi was not among those who returned in the first batch. The second batch of the athletes is due to reach here by 2300hrs.

Source: Published>


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