Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tharoor exudes hope IPL Kochi will be a reality

Sun, Nov 28 10 08:52 PM

Kozhikode, Nov 28 (PTI) Former Union Minister Shashi Tharoor is hoping that the Kochi IPL team will be able to compete in the fourth edition, following the BCCI''s decision to postopone a final decision on its fate to December 5. "I think the team will become a reality as BCCI''s decision holds some hope to save it," the Congress MP from Thiruvananthapuram told reporters here today. Tharoor, who had to resign as Minister of State for External Affairs a year back amid controversies over his role as ''mentor'' of the Kochi team, said if the team would do good for cricket in Kerala in particular and sporting activities in general. He was here to attend a private function. At a meeting of IPL''s Governing Council today in Nagpur, BCCI put off the decision on the franchise for a third time after expiry of a month-long deadline given to it for sorting out its internal bickering over shareholding. BCCI President Shashank Manohar said the board would take a decision on December 5. Kochi was on the verge of being thrown out of IPL due to shareholding dispute between the consortium''s investors. But the franchise owners reached a compromise yesterday.

Source: Published>


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