Wednesday, October 13, 2010

CWG: India bag two Gold medals in boxing; Suranjoy wins by walkover

Published>Wed, Oct 13 10 08:38 PM

New Delhi, Oct.13 (ANI): India won two Gold medals in the boxing competition of the ongoing 2010 Commonwealth Games here on Wednesday evening.

While Indian pugilist Manoj Kumar registered a thumping win over England's Brandley Saunders with a score of 11-2 in the 64-kg category of the match, the other Indian boxer Suranjoy Singh was declared winner by walkover!

Manoj Kumar bagged 35th Gold that helped India firmly positioned on the second place in the medal tally of Games, ahead of England which has 32 Gold medals.

Twenty four-year-old Suranjoy won the 34th Gold medal in the flyweight category after his opponent Kenyan player Benson Njangiru failed to show up in the ring.

He kept waiting in the ring for five minutes but with no sign of Kenya's Benson Njangiru, the referee declared the Suranjoy as the winner.

Suranjoy, who works for the Indian Navy, went into the fight as firm favourite.

Just a short while ago, by winning 33rd Gold in the Men's double event of Table Tennis, India had pulled itself back to second position in the medal tally at the ongoing C'wealth Games and pushed England to third position.

But two Gold medals won in quick succession, just after success in the Table Tennis, strengthened India position in the medal tally.

England had 32 Gold, 54 Silver, and 42 Bronze medals in its total medal tally of 128 medals on Wednesday evening.

While India's total medal tally risen to 94 medals; 35 Gold, 26 Silver, and 33 Bronze medals on Wednesday evening. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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