Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Malaysia''s Hing in quarter-finals

Wed, Oct 13 10 10:58 PM

Mumbai, Oct 13 (PTI) Fourth seed Choong Kam Hing of Malaysia announced his arrival with an exciting 3-1 win to advance to the Men''s Open quarter-finals in the 35th Bombay Gymkhana-HSBC Maharashtra State Open Squash Championship here today. Adding foreign flavour to the competition, Hing warmed up in Mumbai''s humidity with a comfortable 2-0 lead and went on to overcome Gary Nitschke of Australia 11-1, 11-2, 7-11, 13-11. Nitschke came up with a late challenge and snatched a close third game to keep his hopes alive, before losing the crucial fourth and the match over extra points. Hing''s effort overshadowed Capt Arjun Agnihotri''s thrilling 3-2 win over former National champion Manish Chotrani who surprised the armyman with a 2-0 and a late challenge in another pre-quarter-final. Impressing among the juniors were Dev Vazirani of Otters Club and Vikas Mehra who registered exciting 3-2 wins to enter the boys under-13 quarter-finals, while Aditya Khatri beat Aryaman Adik 19-17, 11-9, 9-11, 11-6 in a quality contest to advance to the boys under-15 quarter-finals.

Source: Published>


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