Tuesday, July 20, 2010

ICC launches online competition to suggest names for ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 mascot

Published>Tue, Jul 20 10 02:07 PM

Dubai, July 20 (ANI): The International Cricket Council (ICC) has announced it is presenting cricket fans with a unique opportunity to play a part in ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 by inviting them to propose a name for the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 mascot, an elephant.

Cricket fans can make their suggestions between 20 to 27 July, 2010 with the ICC announcing the winning name of the mascot at a launch in Colombo, Sri Lanka to mark '200 days to go' to the first match of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 which will be played in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 19 February 2011. The ICC Cricket World Cup final will be in Mumbai on 2 April 2011.

The mascot's key characteristics are: Young, enthusiastic and determined; thinks cricket is the most fun game in the world; loves playing street cricket-would play 24/7 if he could; worships his cricket heroes, their technique, skill and character; understands there is a lot to learn, work's hard at it, step by step; learning to master the art of concentration; dreams of playing in the ICC Cricket World Cup...one day and age: 10 (human years)

Suggestions should be sent to mascot@icc-cricket.com. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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