Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kapil Dev motivates media volunteers of Commonwealth Games

Published>Tue, Jul 20 10 07:09 PM

NOIDA (Uttar Pradesh), July 20 (ANI): Motivating over 250 media operations volunteers of Common Wealth Games, Delhi 2010 during their second phase of training, former cricketer Kapil Dev called on them to perform their duties with responsibility and ensure that the Commonwealth Games changes the face of the country as well.

Highlighting the responsibilities of the volunteers he said that each press operations volunteer may have to look after three to four media person everyday.

Volunteers have to deal with them with a smile on their face, which can change negative behavior into pleasant behavior.

"We have a rich culture but not many people know that. With your smile, with your own strength, do the work assigned to you in the best possible manner. We are making the change already in the world but this Commonwealth Games is going to make so much difference that you cannot even imagine at this stage," Dev said.

"We are depending upon you so work really hard with passion. You may not be able to see even one sports event; your job is to look after media people who are coming to the country; your job is to sacrifice your own ambition at that moment and try to work for the country. Only passionate people will come out with flying colors", he added.

He also called upon the volunteers to always greet visitors with " NAMASTE" and promote Indian culture

Highlighting what is expected of press operations volunteers during Commonwealth Games, Rajya Sabha lawmaker Tarlochan Singh said: "The volunteers must realize that they have chosen to act as volunteers on their own; their duty will be assigned by the people in charge of each operation. Majority of the volunteers may not even get a chance to even see the Games; they may be asked to stand outside the stadiums."

"You are lucky because press operations volunteers are required in the press blocks of all the 17 stadiums and secondly, you will get an opportunity to work in the press centre at Pragati Maidan; you might be deputed in the hotels assigned for the media. We are expecting over 2, 000 media people and among them will be 700- 800 foreign journalists. Your duty is to look after them. Now time has come when we all should unite, be optimistic and see that the Games are the best games," he added.

Sharing his experiences during various football tournaments, Mr. Novi Kapadia- Sports Commentator attributed the success of World Cup Football Cup to volunteers since most of the media people's major impression of a country or city was through the volunteers. He stressed on the fact that media just like players, is also under immense pressure to perform and volunteers play a very crucial role in ensuring that media people meet their deadlines and go back with reasonably happy memories of India.

Sharda Ugra- Deputy Editor, Sports, India Today, said "Commonwealth Games is a very big deal not only for athletes and spectators but also for press without which a multi-disciplinary game cannot really become the big event that it is. The games will introduce you for the first time to journalists who will be much older to you.

She added: "Journalists are often impatient, cranky, grumbling; they have their deadlines to meet so they want information on time".

Advising volunteers on how to conduct themselves during the games, she said, "Whatever you are told to do, pay attention to that. Timing is very important for a journalist; whatever you are suppose to do make sure it is done on time. Don't hang around. Be punctual and make sure that by the time first journalist comes in everything is set. Keep the information ready for the journalists and if you don't know anything, check with your supervisor and hen give the correct information." (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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