Wednesday, September 29, 2010

14-year-old Welsh TT player comes looking for Henna in India

Wed, Sep 29 10 11:27 PM

New Delhi, Sep 29 (PTI) Welsh''s 14-year-old table tennis player Charlotte Carey is in India not just to participate in the October 3-14 Commonwealth Games but also to apply henna on her hands. The youngest member of the Welsh contingent, Carey was seen taking a stroll along with fellow twins members -- Megan and Angharad -- at the International Zone looking for a henna artist. "They are pretty," said an enthusiastic Carey. "I like the design of flowers." Despite a frantic search in the Games Village, there quest to find a henna artist came to a disappointing end. "We were looking for the henna artist," said 16-year-old Megan. "We couldn''t find it here," added Carey, who turned 14 four months ago. A British Schools and Welsh champion, Carey has won three European junior tournaments to join Angharad and Megan Phillips in their table tennis squad for the Delhi Games. "Its a vast place and has a very good atmosphere," said Carey. Hailing from Denbigh, Megan started playing the sport five years ago, after getting a table tennis table for Christmas. Asked about the training facilities, they said that they were quite new to an international event, with little exposure and were training very hard for the event.

Source: Published>


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