Wednesday, September 29, 2010

South Africa will miss Semenya

Published>Thu, Sep 30 10 06:21 AM

South African chef de mission Patience Martina Shikwambana on Tuesday said the African nation will sorely miss 800m world champion Caster Semenya, ruled out of the Commonwealth Games due to a back injury.

"We were expecting to get a sure-short medal from her in the Commonwealth Games but I guess we cannot help it as theSouth Africa team Chief Medical Officer, after assessing her, confirmed that she would not be able to make it for theevent," said Shikwanbana.

Shuaib Manjra, South Africa's team CMO, said that Semenya underwent a MRI scan in Johannesburg yesterday, which confirmed a back injury. So she was forced to pull out of the mega event. The withdrawal of the champion, however, was always on the cards as she was not feeling comfortable during the last few races. Earlier, South African men's 800m world champion Mbulaeni Mulaudzi was also ruled out of the Games because of a hamstring injury. However, despite the absence of the star athletes, Sikhwambana seemed confident of South Africa's chances during the October 3-14 Games. "We are expecting to get medals in all sporting disciplines," the chef de mission said.

Asked to specify the disciplines in which South Africa stand a good chance, she said, "We are definitely banking on athletics and swimming for a number of medals." Talking about the Games Village, Shikwambana expressed satisfaction with the overall arrangements and facilities but added that there are a few challenges. "We are happy with the overall facilities but there are a few challenges here and there," she said, refusing to elaborate further.

Meanwhile, the South African contingent became the fourth Commonwealth country to hoist its flag at the Games Village today. Over the last two days Norfolk Islands, Scotland and Tanzania had officially hoisted their flags at the Games Village. The members of the South African team, clad in their green and white jerseys, enjoyed the flag hoisting ceremony and cultural programmes, and had a good time. "It was a very nice show and we really enjoyed ourselves. We also posed for a lot of pictures," said Sanja Elena Coetzee, an athlete.

Source: Web Search


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