Wednesday, September 29, 2010

ICC receives appeal against provisional suspension from Butt

Wed, Sep 29 10 11:37 PM

Karachi, Sep 29 (PTI) The International Cricket Council (ICC) today confirmed receiving the appeal of Pakistan''s Test captain, Salman Butt against his provisional suspension but said it was yet to get similar appeals from the two other suspended players, Muhammad Aamir and Muhammad Asif. "Under the terms of the code, the ICC Code of Conduct Commission chairman Michael Beloff QC will determine the issue of whether the provisional suspension should remain in place until the substantive hearing on the charges," ICC Chief Executive Haroon Lorgat said. "We are still waiting for appeals from the other two players," Lorgat added. Lorgat stated that the ICC Anti-Corruption Code provides the opportunity for the players to appeal against the imposition of the provisional suspension and the ICC shall convene an independent hearing as quickly and as efficiently as possible. He said the ICC was in the process of finalising the independent tribunal to hear the appeals and will try to be as expeditious as possible. "We want to do this as quickly as possible," Lorgat said. The three players were suspended provisionally by the ICC earlier this month after allegations emerged that they had accepted bribes to do spot fixing in the fourth Test against England at the Lord''s in late August. The imposition of the provisional suspension followed an investigation by the ICC''s Anti Corruption and Security Unit into spot fixing allegations.

Source: Published>


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