Wednesday, September 29, 2010

ICC to closely monitor Butt's approach toward ECB over spot-fixing scandal

Published>Wed, Sep 29 10 09:07 PM

Islamabad, Sept 29 (ANI): Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman, Ijaz Butt, who is in England to reportedly calm the rising tensions between the Pakistan and England boards over the spot-fixing scandal which broke late last month, will reportedly be under the ICC's crosshairs over the outcome of his deliberations.

According to The News, the International Cricket Council would be observing his tour closely, as there are suggestions that it might consider suspending Butt from the his role as its director, and that the matter might feature at the next ICC meeting in Dubai from October 12-13 this year.

Butt is at a risk of being suspended from his post for his extraordinary outburst against the ECB and the ICC.

Earlier, he had expressed his disappointment at ICC's provisional suspension of three Pakistan players and said that a separate police investigation should have taken place before taking such action.

However, the extreme step of suspension could be averted if the boards of England and Pakistan achieve some sort of rapprochement, the paper said.

Earlier, right after the outburst, the ECB sent a letter to Butt asking for a full apology, failing to which it would lead to action against him. However, Butt has not been willing to apologise, and refused to do so on his arrival in London as well. ANI)

Source: Web Search


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