Thursday, February 4, 2010

Woods must be humble and admit he messed up: Watson

Published>Thu, Feb 04 10 08:30 PM
London, Feb.4 (ANI): Eight-time major winner Tom Watson has called on world No 1 Tiger Woods to "show some humility" and apologise for his behaviour before returning to golf.
ods, 34, has taken an indefinite break from the sport after speculation surrounding his private life erupted in November. He admitted to "transgressions" following allegations that he had extra-marital affairs.
Fellow American Watson, 60, however reckons Woods should make his eagerly anticipated return away from the fairways.
"One of the things that is not in question is what Tiger has to do. He has to take ownership of what he has done and must get his personal life in order. And, when he comes back, he has to show some humility to the public in the sense that, if I were him, it wouldn't be at a golf tournament where I would first come out," The Sun quoted Watson, as ssaying.

"I would come out and do an interview and say 'I screwed up' and admit it. He messed up. He knows he messed up. The world knows he messed up and he has to take ownership of that," Watson added. (ANI)
Source: Web Search


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