Friday, May 28, 2010

Lawyer expects Modi''s 2nd reply to be less voluminous

Published Fri, May 28 10 04:07 PM

Mumbai, May 28 (PTI) Suspended IPL Commissioner Lalit Modi will meet the May 31 deadline for replying to the second BCCI show cause notice and it''s expected to be less voluminous than his staggering 15000-page reply to the first notice, his legal advisor Mehmood Abdi said here today. Modi has responded to the first show cause notice over allegations of murky financial deals in the IPL and bid-rigging with a voluminous reply on May 15. Abdi said Modi is now on course to meet the May 31 deadline for replying to the second show cause notice served on him for his alleged acts that are "detrimental to world cricket". "We intend to meet the deadline for replying to the second show cause notice as we did for the first," Abdi told PTI. "The volume of the reply depends on the issues raised. I don''t think the reply would be as voluminous (as the first). We will try to satisfy the Board (with the reply)," Abdi said. Modi sought and obtained a 10-day breather for replying to the second show cause notice from the Board. He was issued the notice on May 6 on the basis of an e-mail received from England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) chairman Giles Clarke. (MORE) PTI SSR VRK AY

Source: Web Search


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