Thursday, May 27, 2010

Carragher thankful for fan support during international comeback against Mexico

Published>Thu, May 27 10 01:53 PM

London, May 27(ANI): England defender Jamie Carragher insists that his international comeback during Monday's friendly with Mexico at Wembley did not faze him on the pitch, but he was nervous about his reception from the fans.

"I'd like to say a big thank-you to the supporters. I could understand if the reception wasn't great because I've been out of it for three years of my own accord, but I've always been excited about England ever since I started," The Sun quoted Carragher, as saying.

"We've got another game and another week's training, so there is all to play for. But I'm pleased I came on and hopefully that can give me a good chance of getting in the 23," he added.

The 32-year-old, who had retired from international football in frustration at a lack of opportunities at centre-back, further said that playing and coming on was big for him, as he has always wanted to be a part of the final eleven.

"Every player wants to play in big games and playing in front of nearly 90,000 is always a massive occasion. I'm fortunate that I play for Liverpool and every game is like a cup final really, so I'm used to that intensity and pressure," Carragher added.

Carragher said that his decision to make a comeback was also influenced by the chance to play under Fabio Capello, who he believes has a different approach compared to former coach Steve McClaren.

"Every manager has their own ideas and way of doing things so that has changed. He is a focused type of manager. This manager has his own style and it has proved successful over the years," Carragher said. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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