Thursday, May 27, 2010

NBA - Wade says will discuss free agency with LeBron

Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade leaves the court after losing to the Boston Celtics in...

Published Thu, May 27 10 11:07 PM

Two of the NBA's best players, Cleveland's LeBron James and Miami's Dwyane Wade, will discuss their pending free agency before making a decision on where to play next season, the high-scoring Wade said.

James and Wade head a list of several high-profile players, including the Atlanta Hawks' Joe Johnson, who could opt for free agency on July 1.

"We've discussed it prematurely, at different times," Wade said in an article posted on the Chicago Tribune's website (

"(But) you don't know what guys are thinking and where they're going. I think we'll all sit down, and before one of us makes a decision, all of us will have spoken to each other and (listened to the) thinking."

Among the other free agents are the Toronto Raptors' Chris Bosh and Phoenix Suns' Amare Stoudemire.

Wade, who was named MVP of the NBA finals when he won a championship with the Heat in 2006, also said his decision will be influenced by what some of the other plays decide to do.

"So it's not just a 'me' situation here. We all have to look and see what each other is thinking."

James, whose top-seeded Cavaliers took an early exit out of the playoffs this year, is expected to be the most sought after of all the free agents.

There is speculation that Wade, a Chicago-area native, might leave Miami for the Bulls or try to lure Cleveland's James to the Heat.

James has long been on the wish list of New York Knicks fans and also has been linked to the Bulls.

Source: Web Search


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