Friday, July 2, 2010

Haryana offers DSP''s post to Saina

Published Fri, Jul 02 10 07:08 PM

Chandigarh, July 2 (PTI) Haryana government has made an offer to the ace badminton player Saina Nehwal, who recently won a hat-trick of international titles, the job of deputy superintendent of police (DSP). Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda has made this offer in a letter written to Saina. Hooda had written that Haryana had been rewarding outstanding sportspersons who had made a mark at national and international level and had appointed them directly at the level of DSP. In view of this, the state government was offering her to join the state police force as DSP, Hooda said in his letter. The chief minister congratulated Saina for her exceptional success in international badminton. He remarked that it was indeed a marvelous feat by Saina to win her third Super Series title and said she was truly an inspiration for the youth of the country.

Source: Web Search


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