Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm confident to do well in World C'ship, CWG: Saina

Published>Wed, Aug 04 10 10:52 PM

Ace Indian shuttler Saina Nehwal is hopeful of continuing her redhot form and exuded confidence that she will do well in the upcoming tournaments like World Badminton Championship and Commonwealth Games.

"I am preparing well. My training has been going on smoothly. I am confident of doing well," she told reporters here at a press conference organised by Guinness World Record holder Dinaz Vervatwala.

Saina, however, added that ups and downs are natural in life and that she is prepared to face the worst.

"I am very confident of doing well. But ups and downs are there and I am ready for that," she said.

Saina became the world number two following her superb performance in June where she won a hattrict of titles ? India Open Grand Prix Gold, Singapore Open Super Series and Indonesia Open Super Series.

She has been chosen for the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award last month in the wake of her spectacular success. The 20-year-old Hyderabadi is also one of the brand ambassador of the 2010 Commonwealth Games.

Saina wished all the best to Dinaz, a prominent fitness trainer in the city, who will be taking part in two fitness events ? Ms Fitness World 2010 and Ms Fitness Legacy ? to be held in United States later this month.

Dinaz Vervatwala holds a Guinness World Record for performing a 26-hour-long aerobics marathon.

Source: Web Search


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