Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tiger Woods spotted with wife "look-alike"

Published>Sun, May 23 10 11:27 AM

New York, May 23 (ANI): Tiger Woods has been spotted with a new blonde, who apparently resembles his estranged wife Elin Nordegren.

The golfer was seen taking the girl for a test drive in a golf course in Florida.

"Tiger was on the golf course the other day, hitting balls," the New York Post quoted an eyewitness as telling Radar.

The onlooker added: "He was with a very pretty blonde who looked a lot like Elin. She was sitting in the golf cart while he was playing.

"They were talking and laughing and obviously having a good time."

Woods marriage with Elin is on the rocks after the exposure of his affairs last year.

A source said: "Tiger has been out frequently. He doesn't want to stay home alone anymore." (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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