Thursday, June 10, 2010

SA netball team left for NZ, Samoa tour ahead of CWG

Published Thu, Jun 10 10 10:57 PM

Johannesburg, Jun 10 (PTI) The South African international netball squad left for New Zealand and Samoa tour today, hoping that their first international assignment since 2008 will give them some experience ahead of the this year''s Commonwealth Games in Delhi. "This tour is our last chance to play abroad before the CWG and we still also have to qualify for the World Cup tournament," said captain Liezel Wium. "This tour is going to be critical to establish combinations and determine the first choice team before the CWG," he said. Incidentally, only 12 players can go for the CWG from the 15 selected for the current tour by coach Carin Strauss. The Proteas will play four friendly games in New Zealand and two Tests against Samoa. If they win the Tests, South Africa will move up to fifth position when the world rankings are announced next month. PTI FH SSC

Source: Web Search


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