Friday, September 3, 2010

Take appropriate action against players guilty of fixing: Tendulkar

Published>Fri, Sep 03 10 07:37 PM

New Delhi, Sep 3 (ANI): Master blaster Sachin Tendulkar, who joined the Indian Air Force as a Group Captain, said on Friday that the International Cricket Council should thoroughly investigate the match fixing scandal involving three Pakistani players and take action against the guilty.

"ICC should make a thorough probe in whatever had happened in England and take appropriate action if the players are found guilty. If the allegations are true, they will certainly bring disrepute to the game," Tendulkar said.

"I am no expert and not the one to comment while sitting here in India on something which happened in England. But certainly it has disappointed me," he said while replying to a question on the latest crisis to rock the game.

The Pakistan cricket team is in the midst of a betting scam, where fast bowlers Mohammed Aamir and Mohammed Asif are alleged to have bowled pre-arranged no-balls in the Lord's Test against England.

A British tabloid named four Pakistani players and three others of being involved in a spot-fixing racket. It alleged that a Pakistani businessman Mazhar Majeed had paid bribes to the players to bowl no-balls and wides in the series and in the Lords test.

Majeed, who claimed to be an agent for several Pakistani cricketers, paid 150,000 pounds for information on the practice of spot-fixing.

Tendulkar also ruled out involvement of any Indian player, and added that a bookmaker has contacted no Indian player.

"In my 21 years of international cricket, I have never heard of an Indian player being approached by bookies," he said.

Tendulkar is cricket's leading run-getter in both Test and ODIs. by Praful Kumar Singh (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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