Friday, July 16, 2010

Nayeemuddin appointed new Mohammedan Sporting coach

Published>Fri, Jul 16 10 08:37 PM

Kolkata, July 16 (IANS) Former national football coach Sayeed Nayeemuddin was Friday appointed Mohammedan Sporting's coach for the 2010-11 season.

Nayeemuddin would spot players for the famed club from the ongoing Santosh Trophy inter-state tournament.

'I have been handed over a tentative list by the club officials. I will also watch the Santosh Trophy matches and spot talented players. Once the team is complete we will start our practice,' Nayeemuddin, a 'Dronacharya' awardee, told reporters here.

Known as a strict disciplinarian and a hard task-master, Nayeemuddin has found it difficult to gel with the current crop of leading Indian footballers, who have often voiced their displeasure over his rigid stance on matters like players sporting long hairs.

Nayeemuddin said he would try to bring back the old glory of the club, which won the then Calcutta League title five times in a row between 1934 and 1938.

The club played in the 2008-09 I-League, but was relegated.

Sporting also roped in the coal miners Emta Group of Companies as sponsor.

'We have signed a three-year contract with the club. We will pump in Rs.5 crore over the three-year period. In return, the club jersey will have Emta-Mohammedan written on it,' said Emta Group chairman-cum-managing director Ujjal Mukherkjee.

Source: Web Search


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