Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Premier League owners 'as impotent as a room of eunuchs' ruining sport: Brit politician

Published>Tue, Oct 26 10 05:08 PM

London, Oct 26(ANI): English Premier League club owners have been labeled "as impotent as a room of eunuchs" by a British politician, who has urged the government to step in and take control of the sport.

Liberal Democrat Bob Russell also called for action from Sports Minister Hugh Robertson, who is holding a consultation on club ownership over the next six months.

"You have no doubt discovered by now that those at the top of football are as impotent as a room of eunuchs, that financially they have regimes which would make bankers blush and that, with the greedy footballers and parasitic agents, the game is being ruined," the Scotsman quoted Russell, as saying during Commons question time.

"With that in mind, and noting that the game is incapable of self-regulation, isn't it time that this government held a Royal Commission, or some other inquiry, because the game cannot self-regulate itself?" he added.

Meanwhile, Robertson accepted that the current situation was not satisfactory, and that the situation needed to be sorted out.

"The problem is that, because of the disparate nature of football club ownership, there is no one silver bullet that delivers that," Robertson said.

"I have said I will consult widely over the next six months, I will continue to do that and I will, of course, bear your suggestion in mind as part of that consultation," he added. (ANI)

Source: Web Search


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